

The objective is to empower every student equally by providing the BSW

techniques that eliminate the negative view of stressors that occur during the process of learning to learn. Demonstrated every day by the Classroom Ambassador who will lead the class through the laughing technique and then the Hand Technique. This has been proven to eliminate the stress so effectively that in 3 – 5 weeks the STAT tests results in our pilot project equaled 2 years higher.

Our CGH AMBASSODOR STARTS THE DAY – Start your day with leaving your home stress “at home”, so you can totally focus on your day at school. “Leave home at home.”

Our CGH AMBASSODOR ENDS THE DAY – End the day with the laughing technique and the hand technique to be ready to be

We pay for this weekly service – $10 per day, for 5 days per week. Each classroom needs a CGH AMBASSADOR.  More than one trained person is best for rotation and growth.

COMPASSION For yourself and others

Demonstrating each BSW technique requires addressing a challenge. It is one thing to be able to duplicate what you have been taught. It is another thing to be able to learn how to use it effectively. Apply it to a real need so each person feels a real result.
We have learned using the technique on a “want” that is perceived as a “need” rarely gets a feeling of relief that has a physical result that cannot be denied. Disbelief is a symptom of this complex or compound form of the fight and flight survival technique known to as the “freeze”.
Science is rethinking the results of an extended use of the “freeze” as likely the source of depressions. Recent brain scans are indicating the neurological system appears to be “inactive” enough to deprive the Interstitium of the active response system.
Empaths and sympaths are hypersensitive to the Interstitium being hyperreactive to detecting the “threat” to surviving the tactic used to survive. It is logical to consider this to be caused by “ethical” dilemmas.
Live off the land survivalists are hyperreactive to “morality” issues that defy ethical dominance.


Give yourself & others the opportunity to learn what is “need”. Knowing when to use a BSW technique requires knowing when you need it.

AM: “Leave It at Home – teaches what we carry around with us every day that affects our perception of our “self”, our day, our effort, our classmates. Each day that you start with this practice clarifies it’s benefits. This makes a personal desire to use BSW happen. This action becomes a lifetime habit that benefits a person and their loved ones. Self-reliance is learned as “do it now!”

LUNCH TIME: “Be yourself so you feel valued.” Use the techniques privately. Learning how to respond to your needs as soon as you become aware trains the brain to “respond rather than react”. Training your “self” to respond to you during the usual socializing that occurs during the lunch break, teaches you how to end your insecurities and uncertainties in a pro-active way that increases your self-confidence!

JOIN THE CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT Training so you have the access to being trained how and when to use all 6 BSW techniques.

Demonstrating you do understand the “needs” that are met by each of the 6 BSW techniques requires:

  1. meeting a challenge for increasing ambition
  2. appreciation of the results,
  3. awareness of the process of how your body and mind respond,
  4. acceptance that you can benefit from intentionally using it,
  5. acknowledgement to yourself for choosing to meet your need,
  6. thank you that you took a proactive action
  7. “ You” changed your attitude to benefit your participation level.

“LEAVE IT AT SCHOOL” – use the 2 basic BSW techniques every day to learn to recognize the stress that affects your behavior and then your attitude. Once you know the stress can be dealt with by simply refusing to take it home, the negative reactions to more stress rarely happen. When they do, it will be another level of advancing the understanding of maintaining the self-care that redefines “self-reliance” as maintaining your awareness of your “needs” instead of “wants”. This approach is what develops enough self-esteem to achieve a strong set of ethics. Self-harm is not an ethical option.


With your self – The more you consistently use the BSW techniques to improve your day, the more confidence you will gain. This type of confidence is not about winning or losing. It becomes about doing your best right here, right now. You are only competing with yourself.

With your classroom – sharing what you learn about how to learn more about learning. Skills improve. Awareness improves. Performance is in the “here” and “now”, so your focus is not lessened by distractions.

With your community – oftentimes a person does not understand how to engage their community. “Showing up” consistently to participate in building your community’s strengths for benefiting principles such as equality, is the source for learning what builds other people’s confidence in you. This is when you experience “belonging” as a commitment of time, energy, and skills.

With your friends – Building lifelong friendships begin when your acquaintances know that you are willing to be told the truth, to be truthful, and to not need to anyone to be perfectly perfect! Learning anything together, builds bonds that last forever. Learning the important lessons in life together, builds a profound commitment to the commitment.

With your family – Your family is about loving being loved and loving. Using the BSW techniques to manage your moods, and your attitude, will be your best choice in life. Never blame another person for how you do or don’t feel. Instead, accept that you can and will learn to value your “self” enough to be compassionate towards others.

With your household – Your household is who you live with every day. This is where you learn to respect each other. This is where you are given the space you need to learn how to learn. To learn how to earn. To learn how to be a contributor in this moment. To get up when you fall. To cry when you need to, so you do not become “brittle enough” to “break” you or others. This is where you truly learn how to be in the moment, so you have the opportunity to learn what the truth really is. Sincerity is the basis of responding rather than reacting. So, you enjoy using the BSW techniques every single day so that you sincerely respond to your needs and learn to love loving others.


Learning to commit to commitments.

The 21st Century is when we each need to learn to become a global community member, that promotes life, and learns to teach your “self” and others to utilize compassion. Compassion neutralizes mistakes if the need to learn is being met intentionally.
Resolving disagreements and disputes NEEDS to become a skill that is a “discipline” based solution and resolve to eliminate the use of punishment. Intolerance is a symptom of self-punishment that justifies harming you and others. Defiance is hatred of the need to learn to learn.
Making a commitment to learn discipline requires the opportunity to learn, the time to learn, and the conscious grasp of the “need” to learn from experience.

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