
Psycho-Emotional Support Project 

“LIFE After Trauma”

Rapid Anxiety Relief, Stress Reduction, Prevention of PTSD/ Depression

for Ukrainians Under Attack in Ukraine and Refugees 




July 19, 2022


My name is Ugis Strauss. In March 2022 I started a BSW neurokinesis intervention program to help Ukraine war refugees, war crime victims, and traumatized citizens with hyper anxiety, stress, depression and PTSD symptoms. The program offered 6 free online zoom sessions over 4 weeks.


Those people who attended the whole 6 sessions reported significant or extraordinary improvements with their trauma symptoms. Significant improvement of sleep patterns, stopped nightmares and flashbacks, no reaction to bad memories including war memories, significant reduction of stress, ability to cope and not to react to the ongoing war trauma. 


The study we are conducting alongside the program shows a stunning average 60% decrease in PTSD symptoms for all participants who completed the program, in just 4 weeks!


This report outlines all the details about the program I continue to conduct to support Ukrainians as well as future plans for scaling and expansion. And namely:

  1. Project History/Background
  2. Symptoms and Results
  3. Training Details
  4. Methodology
  5. Group #3 PTSD Symptom Client Study
  6. Next Steps
  7. Scientific Background
  8. Some Testimonials

Please contact me if you can be a help in scaling this project or are in a need to implement programs like this anywhere in the world. We will train you in everything that you need to succeed.   


Ugis Strauss


[email protected]


1. Project History/Background


My name is Ugis Strauss, I am a management trainer, stress and trauma coach, entrepreneur and own several management training companies in Europe.

War in Ukraine…. It caught me by surprise. Even though papers and intelligence were warning us about it I never believed it could happen…. I live in Europe, Latvia, and we were not affected directly, but still most people in my country felt threatened that Russia might invade us as well. It has already happened back in 1940 once…. The first days were a shockwave to me, I simply couldn’t function. Not much of what I did before made sense to me since the perspective of war has changed the perspective of what is important and what is not.

In about a week I got myself together and started thinking what CAN I influence instead of what I cannot. To help Ukraine, Ukrainian people and…. myself. 


It took a while to realize that the best and biggest impact I can make is to employ the skillset I already have and am best at: training and coaching people, building systems. And namely: help Ukrainian people cope with trauma induced by war.


I am also a Certified Coach and Trainer of BSW Neurokinesis, the most effective technology to cope with trauma and its consequences quickly and almost the only intervention that produces results WHILE the trauma is actually ongoing, not post factum. And I speak fluent Russian. So, combined with my training company background I decided that the issue of war trauma is the direction I can make the most impact to the world. So that when my sons will later ask me of what I did when there was a war in Europe, I, with a clear conscience, can answer that I did the best I could…


I decided to directly help Ukrainian people affected by war but who are not soldiers – mostly women, elderly and kids, both refugees abroad and those still under life threat in Ukraine. I created a free 3-week crisis response training held online in a FB group. Course consisted of 6 BSW neurokinesis live group sessions (held in Zoom) with powerful home assignments, recordings also were available. I advertised the first training in FB groups for refugees and got about 300 people to sign up. The sign-up process was really easy: just join the FB group where the free training was held. For the next groups we had even more and even more people signing up.


Until now I have conducted 4 trainings:

  • Group #1 – 300 signups
  • Group #2 – 400 signups
  • Group #3 – 500 signups
  • Group #4 – 1500 signups
  • At the moment of writing, we are preparing for the group #5 where we estimate signing up about 2000 people 

2. Symptoms and Results

The trauma symptoms many people were mentioning were:

  • panic attacks
  • inability to sleep
  • nightmares and flashbacks
  • hyper-anxiety
  • emotional numbness
  • inability to function
  • hyper-alertness
  • intrusive memories
  • extreme stress
  • anxiety about future
  • triggered past trauma
  • avoidance
  • depression
  • different kinds of negative thoughts

Fast results 

Already, in the first session participants learn a technique that is very effective in reducing stress, anxiety, and panic in the moment. They start practicing it immediately after the session. Many participants achieve significant changes in their emotional and physical state as well as release of the long-term stress already after the second session. The last 4 sessions fine tune that and work towards deeper long term sustainable results.

Long-term results

Those people who attended the whole 6 sessions reported significant or extraordinary improvements with their trauma symptoms.

  • Significant improvement of sleep patterns
  • Stopped nightmares and flashbacks
  • No reaction to bad memories including war memories
  • Significant reduction of stress
  • Ability to cope and not to react to the ongoing war trauma. 
  • Much better and positive emotional state.
  • Many people allowed themselves to laugh for the first time in the last 2/3 months. 
  • Many started having futures again. 
  • Some mentioned that they started “functioning normally” again, just because of these sessions. 
  • Some admitted having terminated obstructive suicidal thought patterns.

Ukraine Doctors, Psychotherapists and Psychologists are joining our team.

Many Ukraine Doctors, Psychotherapists and Psychologists requested to be trained after personally experiencing the results for themselves right in the midst of the bombings. Their own trauma from the war was neutralized by the end of 6 BSW sessions to the point that they consistently requested to be immediately trained how to use the BSW techniques in their medical practices. These medical professionals are currently caught in the life and death trauma of a WAR!!! These medical professionals voluntarily said they had never seen such an effective solution before now. 


Risking her life for my program

One of the most touching stories was about a woman from Nikolaev. Instead of keeping herself in the security of a bomb shelter, she was coming home so she could to participate in my online live sessions (no internet in shelter). Just because the sessions helped her want to stay alive so much, she was willing to (reasonably) risk her life to participate. I could hear the live bombs while she attended. I am so moved by what she told me!

3. Training Details


Key Facts

  • Crisis response training consists of 6 BSW neurokinesis live group sessions (held in Zoom), about 2 hours each.
  • Training is FREE for participants
  • Training is delivered at 2 levels:
    • Level 1: Rapid Stress/ Anxiety Reduction and Sleep Improvement Techniques (2 sessions)
    • Level 2: In-depth Trauma Release and Reduction of PTSD symptoms (4 sessions)
  • Time span: 3-4 weeks
  • Those participants who could not attend live sessions could watch recordings available in the FB group. Due to the sensitive nature of the topic and the war situation, about 20% of the participants attend live sessions, 80% watch recordings.


Level 1: Rapid Stress/ Anxiety Reduction and Sleep Improvement Techniques (2 sessions)

  • 3 unique quick self-help techniques
    • They instantly relieve stress, anxiety and fears.
    • Participants learn how to quickly calm down after any stressful or traumatic event and not to allow the consequences of these events into their lives.
    • Techniques also reduce the accumulated stress
    • They can be used even during situations where life is in danger
    • As a result, sleep improves significantly.
  • Being so powerful after once learned, these techniques become an instant “go-to” resource for participants when a difficult situation arises.
  • For many participants learning these techniques are enough to cope with their current war trauma.
  • About 90% of sign-ups complete the Level 1 training. 


Level 2: In-depth Trauma Release and Reduction of PTSD symptoms (4 sessions)

  • 3 more techniques plus a 3-week program to get long term sustainable results and release the majority of participants’ past trauma.
    • Permanent reduction of anxiety and fears
    • Permanent break-out of the current war related stress cycle
    • Letting go past trauma (not only war)
    • Getting out of destructive states – feeling much more pleasure instead
    • Trainees master the skill to manage their emotions and feelings at any moment 
    • Participants first learn how to cope with panic attacks, then how to stop them from occurring
    • Many get rid of different psychosomatic symptoms in the body
    • Many start seeing future again (that has been lost with the war)
  • About 50% of Level 1 participants sign up for the Level 2 training (it requires commitment to deal with past trauma right now and have enough energy to do a lot of homework)
  • About 70% of those signing up for the Level 2 training complete it (do all the homework in the 3-week time span, some complete it later).

4. Methodology


BSW Interventions

The unique BSW Techniques developed by Karen Sabourin are the most ethical intervention protocol available today. It is a fast-acting intervention that has been proven to permanently resolve trauma based on exposure to violence and distressing events. With these Techniques, there is no risk to the client. This intervention is based in “brain based” neurokinesis and does not require any form of disclosure or diagnosis from the client. Nor does it require therapy or medication like other “mind-based efforts”. 


It is a wellness program.

This is a wellness program with a wellness product. There is no possibility of addiction. Coaches teach the Techniques to the client. The client can then immediately self-administer the Techniques whenever any symptom appears; anytime, anywhere. BSW Techniques minimize the negative symptoms of PTSD, trauma, anxiety, panic and depression.


2016 study

The official 2016 Study of 60,000 client responses showed significant reduction of trauma symptoms from the use of the BSW Intervention Techniques. Study participants self-administered the BSW techniques for 28 days, reporting their results daily. This study has been reviewed and approved by Dr. Jill Moncilovich, known for her research expertise.


Live blood test results

In May 2020, a recognized scientist determined through the use of advanced laboratory technology, that the USE OF the Brain Stimulated Wellness (BSW) NEUROKINESIS Techniques definitely achieved the first physical indicator of “wellness” that can be seen at a cellular level in a live blood test of “before and after” blood samples. The blood sample proves that the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems are actively compelled to expel negative chemistry and eliminate habitual reactive states.


How the techniques work:

Each of the 6 BSW Techniques taught in our Level One course are intended to redefine the “experience” of a stressor. This is achieved when the biokinetics are triggered to prioritize the “now” experience over ancestral experiences. ANY BSW Technique that is selected to be used, is intended to offer the brain an experience of responding rather than reacting.

This use of “imprinting” at a cellular level communicates neurologically to enhance the capacity to survive by producing chemicals known to produce a spontaneous response rather than a reaction. Such a response does not disassociate from reacting if needed. Instead, the micro-seconds of assessing a situation are based in a true and logical assessment of the threat. “Wellness” prevails. Fear is not needed to indicate a threat. Fear is also not used to trigger a reaction.  The brain’s neutral response allows an impartial assessment of the results in order to learn how to be efficient, and capable of becoming proficient with consistent practice. Skill is imprinted. Learning how to learn more efficiently is imprinted in the interstitium. The thrill of learning becomes a passion.

5. Group #3 PTSD Symptom Client Study


With group #3, we did a study for assessing the impact of our methodology on 21 key PTSD symptoms. Each study participant was asked to evaluate the 21 symptoms on a 0-5 scale before, in the middle and at the end of our training program, provided they completed the program and did their homework. Participants were mostly women aged 30-55, majority living in Ukraine (and experiencing death threats) as well as refugees in Europe. The symptoms assessed were as follows:

Intrusive memories

Recurrent, unwanted distressing memories of the traumatic event

Reliving the traumatic event as if it were happening again (flashbacks)

Upsetting dreams or nightmares about the traumatic event

Severe emotional distress or physical reactions to something that reminds you of the traumatic event

Negative changes in thinking and mood

Negative thoughts about yourself, others or the world

Hopelessness about the future

Memory problems, including not remembering important aspects of the traumatic event

Difficulty maintaining close relationships

Feeling detached from family and friends

Lack of interest in activities you once enjoyed

Difficulty experiencing positive emotions

Feeling emotionally numb

Changes in physical and emotional reactions

Being easily startled or frightened

Always being on guard for danger

Self-destructive behavior, such as drinking too much or driving too fast

Trouble sleeping

Trouble concentrating

Irritability, angry outbursts or aggressive behavior

Overwhelming guilt or shame


Trying to avoid thinking or talking about the traumatic event

Avoiding places, activities or people that remind you of the traumatic event


A person could score a maximum of 105 points (21 symptoms assessed at 5).                      Our average individual score was:

  • Before training 53.1
  • In the middle of the training 30.6 (a 42% decrease)
  • At the end of the training 21.5 (a 60% decrease)


3 symptoms with the biggest decrease before and after the program were:

Severe emotional distress or physical reactions to something that reminds you of the traumatic eventBefore training3.6
In the middle of the training1.460%
At the end of the training 1.072%
Recurrent, unwanted distressing memories of the traumatic eventBefore training3.4
In the middle of the training1.555%
At the end of the training 0.585%
Negative thoughts about yourself, other people or the worldBefore training3.5
In the middle of the training1.362%
At the end of the training 0.585%

Currently we are conducting a study with our group #4 participants and preliminary results are about the same.

6. Next Steps


  1. My next goal is having 10,000 people attending the group sessions in my training at once (currently we expect about 2000 participants in every group session).
  2. My Ukraine team expects that the current training of these doctors by our multilingual team will mean that with appropriate funding over the next months their skills will be good enough to go up to treating a million refugees, war crime victims, and traumatized citizens per year.
  3. As other medical professionals are trained to administer the BSW Trauma Intervention, the attendee numbers can keep increasing the same way we have consistently.  The dramatic drop in the costs of treatment, costs in the justice system, costs in policing, costs in emergency services, and costs in addictions need to be taught to every community, every government, and taxpayers everywhere.
  4. The number of lives saved will be 10’s of hundreds, of thousands. Previous untreated trauma causes a majority of school shooting incidents, and other mass murders. PLEASE dedicate your focus onto getting BSW into every school and household in the world!!!

7. Some Scientific Background


The concept of brain “plasticity”

The nanotechnology information scientists have gathered about the effects of trauma on the brain compared to the rest of the neurological system, has proven the original concept of “plasticity” was actually true. In 2008 the discovery of the “interstitium” as an organ lying just below the skin explains the sensory spectrum of the blue and purple spectrum. The human history of sayings like “it made my skin crawl” indicates the interstitium organ can be a finite communication system that determines our social aptitude. Now, we have the nanotechnology that proves the darkfield microscopic field can be a source of explaining the effects of the accurate participation in the quantum field of touch. Such a spectrum of communication has enabled human touch to learn how to be capable of taming the majority of the wild animal species. 


That’s why the human can now be trained to use other forms of “body to brain to body” communication to gain the capacity to work towards a mutually beneficial remedial “language”. 


“Brain to body to brain language”

BSW trains the “brain to body to brain language” by communicating with the precise accuracy that is needed to alleviate all forms of trauma. The greatest threat to the human race, is the trauma that is sourced from the overwhelming fear that can lead to the annihilation of all forms of life, in this moment in time. Today, our weapon is our knowledge of fear that is directed into technology. The capacity of learning the resolution is being learned to be self-administered. The pattern of BSW touch directly communicates the touch to activate a response rather than a reaction. The parasympathetic system is communicating more than fear as an alert to the sympathetic system. The “language of the brain to body to brain” has been taught well enough to get immediate results within seconds. Consistent and continued use of the BSW techniques, gets every cell in the body focused on learning to learn how to benefit from the chemicals that a response produces. Satisfaction, confidence, and comfort become a constant state of “an appreciation for being alive and well!” This is what state of wellness that will eliminate suicide as an option. Thousands of clients have volunteered having had this revelation. Our clients are who taught us years ago, that is why the BSW techniques can prevent suicide and homicides in all cultures, genders, and ages. This is a primary proof of “neuroplasticity”. 


Teaching the brain “responding rather than reacting”

In the here and now, all humans as a collective are called to develop “plasticity” by learning to learn the full spectrum of how to utilize “The act of responding rather than reacting”.  The impetus is the exposure to the spectrum of trauma alerts during the pandemic, the global financial crisis, and now followed by the Ukraine invasion. Our fears of the escalating threats becoming a war over the primary food and energy supply chain in a global economy are capable of annihilating individuals and groups. “Living off the land” is limited to a few because of climate change and insufficient numbers of wildlife for food sources. Wildfires are wiping out the sources of vegetation for land feeding of humans and animals. And now drones and other types of technology are limiting the capacity to find somewhere to safely hide. This type of a trauma exceeds the trauma of the previous WW1 & WW2 because of technology broadcasting the war 24/7 in a live spectrum while the time to distance ratio has become about commercial travel to the moon. 


It is simply logical that the “demand” that has occurred due to the current threats to all life forms, is likely why the human has finally placed enough value on learning neuroplasticity. Empaths and sympaths can finally be explained as sensitive to the need for listening to the need for the “demand” to escalate enough to be learned and adopted as a “source” of providing better solutions. 

8. Some Testimonials

These testimonials are translated from Russian and Ukrainian and we have permission to share them.


I sincerely thank the Universe for a post on FB that led me to the online training “Quick relief of anxiety and stress ..”. I remember that day very well, because it was when I woke up from the “phantom siren” in my head. The horror of the imagined sounds in my head called for action, and the heart (thank you, my heart) pointed the right way. Not only I got rid of the “phantom siren” – in just 3 weeks I also solved a lot of issues that I have been working on for years in psychotherapy. This is just an unimaginably valuable course. The trainer is so sincere in his urge and mission to help that it cannot touch anyone deeply. Ugis, you brilliantly deliver the “work with the Hands”. Thank you!

Svetlana Valerievna


Ugis, my huge gratitude for this program. I have already gone through it twice; I do my hands daily. My sleep has normalized, I am in a stable calm state albeit turbulent circumstances of war and daily bomb threats of war around me. Once again I have the desire to live and create. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Elena Kopychenko


It seemed very strange: how a simple “rubbing” of your hands can help internal pain, heal injuries, and take away a sense of hopelessness …. It turned out that miracles in our lives manifest themselves in the simplest way. 

The most important for me was that now it is possible to remove my negative anchors more quickly, gently, ecologically without retraumatization – and not spend endless months working with a psychotherapist on a single episode. Another big surprise for me was that I became resourceful again, when training finished I had regained my inner strength, level energy and I am dreaming again.

Thank you Ugis for the course and miracle you have created for me. These techniques literally work for everything that used to bother me. 

Irina Matvienko


It so happened that the beginning of classes for me coincided with the peak of a long-standing chronic stressful situation. I have always been unwittingly involved in it and usually it took a lot of effort and time to get back to normal. When I began to practice BSW techniques, I found that after a couple of days the whole volcano of emotions just disappeared. I quickly returned to normal life and even had new ideas and strength for a possible solution to the situation. The method is simple and very effective. I have been practicing hand technique for almost 2 months now. I am very satisfied with the results. It was possible to get rid of panic attacks, fears and anxieties. In general, I look at life with great optimism and confidence. The technique is simple and really effective!

Thank you so much for such a priceless gift!

Irina Sennikova


The technique came at a time when it was really needed both for my outer world and the inner. I have achieved great results and deeply changed myself. When I started to practice, I met with traumas from childhood, it was not easy, but Ugis Strauss professionally helped to reach a positive solution. I am very grateful for that.

I recommend the training to everyone; it is a very good method especially for the circumstances right now.

Kristine Ozolina


Just after a week of practice, my inner tension disappeared and the internal storm calmed down, the level of anxiety decreased significantly. There was also no panic or confusion any more. A smile appeared on my face again. I got rid of the old fear that had been holding me back for years. The technique helps me reduce the level of anxiety or irritation in the moment and get rid of the effects of old stress. I also practice it at night if I wake up from a terrible dream, then I fall back asleep really quickly.

Nadiya Voroniak


I am far from the war, but I was hit hard, which harmed my family and my work. Conscience did not allow me to disconnect myself from the conflict. The course helped to remove my destructive states and emotions and helped to forever close the issues that I couldn’t resolve on my own even with a lot of effort and perfect understanding of the situation. Many thanks to Ugis for the good work you are doing 🙂!

Olga Simonova


I want to express my deep gratitude to Ugis Strauss for his work, for the method, for the desire to help us in such a difficult and traumatic period! The method works! And the most valuable thing is that you reduce / remove not only your current and recent adverse situations and conditions, but also that you can deal with issues from your past. Negative memories you still remember, insults, traumatic situations, and much more – you can resolve them in such a short period of time. I realized that for the last 10 years I could not move forward in my life just because of situations from my past. I understood that dealing with my past was necessary, I tried many different methods, and I was sure that I had dealt with everything, but only in the classes with Ugis it turned out that I haven’t really and that those situations still affected me. It’s just a miracle that you can “get” any bad memory, feel it and deprive it of a negative charge in just a few minutes and be at peace with it forever! Once again, a big thank you!

Victoria Vayzhgela


We left Kyiv on 1.03.22. And despite the fact that since 03.03.22 we have been safe, surrounded by attention, love and warmth, I felt fear, guilt, helplessness, often cried, did not sleep well. Thanks to the course, I feel much better: I almost don’t cry 🙂, and if I cry, I know what to do about it; the feeling of helplessness is gone; I plan my future and am not afraid of it, but rejoice at new opportunities. I am very grateful to you Ugis and the techniques that you share!

Inna Kuzyuberdina


Dear friends! I recently completed an online training with Ugis Strauss on how to quickly relieve anxiety, reduce stress, and prevent symptoms of PTSD and depression using the Neurokinesis (BSW) methodology.

As a professional coach, I was interested in learning about a new quick, easy to learn and versatile method for dealing with anxiety and stress.

In short, BSW techniques – Brain Stimulated Wellness – effectively affect the brain and turn on its hidden reserves.

In the last 2 years I, like many of my compatriot friends, learned to cope with life in constant tension, under pressure. Since I devoted many years to study yoga, it helped me maintain my physical health and mental balance in the face of an ongoing COVID epidemic. Nevertheless, long-term stress is very dangerous because negative changes occur imperceptibly for a person. In particular, if a person is in a hostile social environment, if he cannot openly share his values ​​and beliefs with others, admit his likes and dislikes, if he is forced to express his opinion metaphorically only- this gradually leaves an imprint on his psycho-emotional state. 

Fortunately, the method of neurokinesis helped me in time to detect and transform this tendency in myself. In the process of mastering the technique, I experienced vivid insights, and I managed to achieve a powerful and sustainable resource state. With the technique it is important that the student does everything himself, and the coach is like a guide, besides, the method is extremely easy to learn. I express my gratitude to Ugis Strauss for the opportunity to learn a new method.

In these moments, when millions of people are suffering from acute stress, and millions more from long-term anxiety, it is so important to learn an incredibly simple and super effective method of self-healing.

It is very important that Ugis Strauss treats this as a mission, so the entire course is free of charge. There will be another course very soon. I will definitely go again to repeat everything well and consolidate. I recommend all my friends, colleagues and clients to take the BSW course with Ugis Strauss.

You never know where life may pleasantly surprise you.  You often think that you’ve been there, done that and know everything. But if you are open enough to new knowledge and modest to your own achievements, then Existence will surely reward you with either insight, or at least help you take the next step.

Andrew Pushkarev



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